Monday, July 16, 2012

Assface Ruins Fundraiser... and Lawn

"Rob Olson wanted his lawn to look nice as he prepared to host a fundraiser meant to benefit individuals with Cystic Fibrosis. But the Lake Elmo, Minn., man accidentally killed all of the grass on his 40,000-square-foot lawn after using a pesticide he thought would kill only weeds.
"I think the packaging should say right on it, this will kill your lawn," Olson told local CNN affiliateKARE, who first reported the story.
Olson says he consulted with employees at the local Dege Garden Center before purchasing five bottles of weed killer, ferti-lome. However, a description on the bottle does warn that it works not only by first killing grass but also by preventing a lawn from being reseeded for up to six months..."

- Eric Pfeiffer (Yahoo)

This is why you read the directions when you don't know what the fuck you are doing.  Stop trying to save your pride and "be a man" and assume you know how to take care of a lawn.  Look what you did.  You tried to go over the top and make your lawn look spectacular and ended up just ruining everything.   Not only that, you try to make it seem as if it isn't your fault.  It doesn't need to be spelt out for you idiot.  Oh wait... it IS SPELT OUT FOR YOU ON THE BOTTLE!  Listen, pride is never a bad thing... unless you are a complete assface.  This guy is an assface multiplied by every square foot of his shitty lawn, which is a lot.  I'm not doing the damn math, just know he is a huge assface...

Look at the lawn first of all, he didn't even do a good job at killing the whole thing.  Guy can't do anything right.  Maybe you could have kinda saved it and made it an old-western themed fundraiser, I don't fucking know.  Sick kids running around with cowboy hats and just having a grand ol' time. But nope, ruined that too.

Also on a side note... why is this guy loading his lawn with pesticides and chemicals right before he invites a party of sick people to roll around in it all day... Someone grab a dirt claud out of this guys shitty lawn and knock him upside the head with it.

Did I mention he is a total assface?

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